Academic Conference Blunders

The 8 Biggest Academic Conference Blunders

It is often seen that writers spend precious money ,not to mention their writing time ,on conference every year but it makes doubly disturbing that so many of us fall in pray to innocent mistakes that can keep us from getting the most out of them.

So here let’s look forward for the 8 biggest academic conference Blunders that usually takes place:

  1. Approaching the agents or the editors in the wrong way: It is often noticed that writers often don’t use their common sense when approaching the editors or agents. Some of the errors it has been found that following the editors to their restroom and requesting for an interview or sometimes even approaching an editor or agent who is busy in talking with some another person. The best time to approach them, when they are not in the session or doing any kind of private conversation with any people. Always it is better to recommend a social setting or after the conference panel or workshop withheld. Ask for their time to meet and gently show them the respect with a polite and kind behavior. Offer the editor or the agent with some coffee or relaxation stuff so that they feel comfortable to talk and feel free also. Offer them a good place so that the conversation goes on without any kind of interruption.
  2. Bad Attitude should be avoided: Never come to the conference in a bad attitude. We have seen that some writer’s feel that the conference is slanted against them. They think others have an access to an inside track that’s closed to them when in reality everyone is treated alike and any related resources are allocated to the first come and first served basis. While undergoing a meeting with an agent for a consult, never expect a complete critique of the work. So it is very important that we need understand that this is the best possible opportunity to present in this academic conference and if the agent fined its interesting then there may be many probable chances where he or she will ask to send more works to be reviewed out of interest.
  3. Forgetting to do the Homework: In some writers we can find that they don’t plan ahead, even though they can’t even match in what is being taught and about the talking’s of the teachers said in the conference. Conferences offer the websites and brochures so the basic information is available well ahead of time. A call to the conference organiser is a very easy way to get the additional information. Failing to Dress for Success, Sometimes writers in short sleeves and sandals without a jacket or a sweater. It includes air conditioning in the hall which results in shivering. Conference attendees should always layer up properly to feel comfortable during the on-going of the seminar.
  4. Overlooking Pitch Session Preparation work: It is very important to find the perfect fit for the agent so that while pitching the fantasy manuscript to an agent who works primarily with literary fiction will not bring a writer any close to publication. Conferences often supply speakers for a reason. Try to read them. Old interviews, broadcasts are available featuring these agents are often readily available online, and agency websites are full of information. Writing a book truly takes dedication and time though while undergoing thorough research. Choosing the right agent or query pitch often requires same consideration. Proper place is very important where the work fits in, as it is very important to look very professional and proper illustration and elaboration makes the presentation quiet interesting and really attractive for the listeners to learn many new things.
  5. Missing opportunities to Network: The biggest blunder for attendees is not planning ahead and bringing networking items like cards, brochures and books to trade and give away. Too often it is found that attendees do not interact with each other and the speakers as much as possible. Writers attend the conference for a wide number of reasons but chief among them reasons include the networking with the editors, agents and fellow writers. Getting a card or a brochure will help to build contacts and supporters for writing purpose.
  6. Play it very safe: Basically we never know whom we can meet up while having a coffee in the corridor. So if we spend the entire time loitering with our friends then we may miss out many interesting conversations and connections. The best strategy is to challenge oneself to sit down for meals alone and meeting up many new people. Even there is ample time to catch up with friends once the event is over.
  7. Failing to follow: A lot of writers fail to follow up with the agents and the editors in a timely manner. Writers should wait and six months after the conference to get back an editors on an idea which is sometimes too long. If something positive feedback is obtained after two weeks then follow up process should be started after the process of conference.
  8. Giving Up Control: There are few writers who always try to make themselves feel better by bragging deliberately diminishing others work. Secondly a little amount of insecure, belittled, envious immediately exactly after the conversation. So better we should be having control over our emotions and every aspect of our work.

So never hurt the chances of excelling in the academic conference, than to take avoid such blunders committed in such academic conferences.

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