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Conference Vs Journal Paper

Conference Vs Journal Paper: 10 basic similarity & difference

Frequently it has been noticed that there are loads and loads of confusion regarding conference papers appearing as journal papers or vice versa may take place. Conference generally involve meeting of a group of people where individuals or groups of people will discuss new ideas and research work leading to a forum of many new more upcoming inventions to happen.

Hope we all know that Journal paper is an academic or scholarly journal which is a peer reviewed or referred periodical scholarship relating to a particular disciplined followed. Generally academic journals serve as forums for the introduction and presentation for the light of new innovation and invention and the offence of critique for the existing research.


  1. While studying a journal paper or attending a conference a single thing which is very knocking to everyone that these events helps the general or the attendees to gather huge knowledge about the topics they are unaware or yet to know.
  2. Journal paper has been many times reviewed to make further modifications and up gradations, whereas conferences are mainly nailed to new topics and recent research fields to scoop out the unknown knowledge.
  3. These events are generally attended by researchers, scholars, students and many more so that they can step up with the upcoming advancements of the nature, research and technology.
  4. In both this resources, several up gradations and modifications have enhance to improve mankind and technological support that aids human life.
  5. Prior to the discovery of all these new era of technologies, sciences and logics there was a time  when people were hidden in the grooves of darkness where these knowledge of research, conferences and inventory methods helped people to a great extent to cover the darkness and cherish the light of happiness and knowledge.


So let’s learn about the Conference Vs. journal paper tug of war, where a conference paper presentation offers the platform to interact with people whereas conference paper publication forum offers a better and superior representation stage compared to the journal paper. So let’s look forward the difference between them.

 1) Feedback

  • It has been seen that conference paper often provides a faster feedback as audience interaction is very effective.
  • But the journal paper often counts about twice as much as credit, as well as takes too much long time to get pressed and published.

2) Short and Precise:

  • The conference paper is generally small and precise due to time constraint and in that case feedback is not so important.
  • But in case of Journal paper is generally long and full length peering of journal paper makes it time consuming and big.

 3) Publication Procedure:

  • Selection of conferences is much easier and they are mostly prominently directional.
  • But the journal for publication is really too difficult and sometimes authors do not offer sufficient importance to their research and opt to go for lower graded journals for rapid publication.

4)  Analytical Skill:

  • For the conference papers the depth of analysis and scrutiny is not as deep as found in journal publication.
  • But in Journal papers the investigations, market surveys and the analysis are so well explained that it leads to huge depth of description and new sculpturing of thoughts and ideas.

5) Interaction:

  • Conferences help in interacting with the international people on the same forum.
  • While in journal paper publication we have seen that such interactions is not possible. This is due to the fact that journal doesn’t not involve any kind of communication.

6) Explanation pattern:

  • In conference paper presentation, the elaborative way of explanation performed by an individual candidate is exclusively very magnificent.
  • For Journal papers this very way elaborate and extensive explanation is never expected and not even possible too.

7) Topic of Discussion:

  • Generally the topic usually discussed in a conference paper accounts recent topics with very new research works.
  • But the topics usually elaborated in journals are generally old or not the recent ones.

8) Filter Process:

  • It has often seen, in conferences almost all topics are accepted in certain extent without having proper filtering or screening criteria’s, so the individual attending the conference is comparatively more as all are accepted.
  • But in case of journal several approval and recheck is done for further publications.

9) Impact Factor:

  • The impact factor offered by a journal paper is very high as interaction chances are much more.
  • The impact factor for a journal is much less, as the interaction among the people is lesser as well as sometimes even outdated topics are very less useful.

10) Papers to be presented:

  • For conference the mode of presentation includes posters, public discussions and even PowerPoint presentations also.
  • For journals, it refers to an article which can be published as a journal.

11) Audience Feedback Help:

  • In conference paper presentation, there is one to one interaction with audience, which not only helps in explanation but also makes the audience on spot feedback which is very effective.
  • But in journal presentation the facility of on spot audience feedback is

Not obtained, so it is less beneficial comparatively.

12) Deadlines:

  • The reviews of the conference are not specified or directed with particular deadlines.
  • The reviews of the journal paper are usually provided with deadlines, like six months or one year.

So the differences and the similarities are well listed well and to be followed. This way the similarity and the difference are well illustrated and illuminated so that the impact of conference and journals are well highlighted.

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