How to Leveraging Browser caching??

To allow browser caching you need to edit your HTTP headers to set expiry dates on certain types of files. Get .htaccess file in the root of domain, this file is a secret file but should come in FTP clients like FileZilla. You be able to edit the htaccess file with notepad or any type of text editor.

Leverage Browser Caching

Depending on websites, files can set dissimilar expiry dates. If certain type of files is updated more commonly, you would set an earlier expiry date. When you are completed save the file as it was and not as any other extensions.

How to get Android N features on your phone right now?

Tempted to use Android N?

Well the developer Preview version of Android N is only available and that too only for the Nexus series such as the 5X or the 6P. But you don’t have to worry because you can still enjoy some of its cool features on your device also.

Yes, you heard it right, there are a few hacks which can definitely come into play on your android device right now and I definitely doesn’t matter whether you are having Android N or not. There has been an exposed module which can help bring Android N features to rooted devices only.

Now let’s see how to get android N features to your mobile if it has been rooted properly:


1) How to get a multiple window feature?

The multiple window feature for android N was actually designed to come with Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) but it was kept in a dormant state. Now here the hack is to activate the feature by editing the build.prop file. You will see that it is much easier to do so once you have installed the BuildProp Editor application.

Now let’s see about the BuildProp Editor:   Inside the build.prop app look for the line that says and change it to userdebug. Then in order to get it working you have to save  then restart it. All done? Then go to the settings option and then Developer options.

i.e settings>Developer options. You will now find a new option there to enable or disable Multi-Window Mode. Got it?

Now all you have to do is tap on it to switch it on.


Yep, its all done now you can enjoy the multi window feature.


2) Want the Android N features with Xposed module AndroidN-ify?

Well the reason behind using Android N features is that it offers a good set of Android N features which you won’t find anywhere else like getting fast access to the most recently used app by just tapping it two times, the multi tasking button.

You can get the night mode modifications as well as shortcuts and necessary information on the lock screen also. You can also use the Doze option when the screen is switched off also.

But one important thing that one should remember is that you will need at least Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or higher to run it because in this XDA thread you will find information regarding how to install Xposed on Lollipop or Marshmallow.

In order to download the AndroidN-ify module always use the Xposed Installer and search for it by its name only. After it has been installed you can activate the Xposed Installer and then you can restart the device.

And ya! If some of you are inquiring that what actually is AndroidN-ify?

Then let me clarify you that it is nothing but an exposed module that offers some of Android N features.

There it is, once the device is being restarted you will get loads of new features available in Android N only.


Why URL Shortners are useful?

Several URL Shortners are available such as, tinyurl and etc . You can manage more links and content in less space. It takes longer URLs and converts it into manageable links that almost never exceed 20 characters. In Social media or in Digital Marketing many links are long and wordy which is not optimum choice to share on Facebook and Twitter.  Google and other search engine consider keywords in the URL for best result in SERPs but due to lengthy URL it creates conundrum for the users. URL Shortners in its own way work to collect all information and present a link with fewer characters.
