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Conference Website Planning – Questions to Ask!

All good bonding starts with a healthy conversation, be it a personal bonding or professional. Conversation is the source to know, collect and gather information that we look for in order to solve various issues that we look for thus leaving it being more than just playing with words. Conversations can take place between two people or a vast majority of people which we call meeting and in some cases conference.


Conference is predominantly understood as an official meeting to converse about a particular topic. It’s during a conference meeting only mostly where new innovative ideas are created and talked about by various experts.

Websites these days have brought the story of the world on our desk. We can know, perform and organise various activities through websites sitting anywhere anytime. If you are still wandering around what to make available on your website and how to frame can be quite a manoeuvre.


To build an effectual website, you first have to place yourself in one of the visitors place, put yourself in their shoe and view things from the eye of a visitor and find out what information they might look for and what you will be expecting from them. Above all you have to make sure that your website succeeds in delivering all those answers that they will look for during the conference.


Your website is one of the first stepping stones of your conference planning procedure. Any individual looking for any relevance information will end up looking your conference website. Your website is the main search engine that will provide information seeker with their need. Half success of your event lies in your conference website where you can showcase various items of your event, answers to most expected question which will save you time from repeated questions and mailing.


So in order to build up a good event it’s very important to create a website for your conference and run it as soon as possible.

Questions to ask to build an effective conference:

  1. First you got to ask what will the attendees need that are looking forward to your conference. A registration form is a major item in the conference website planning. Links and details on the sessions that will take part. Most importantly location, time where and when it’s held and guideline to help the attendees how to reach there.  Your event should have a proper logo, conference name and date on which it is taking place. You may provide a map location via Google map to make it convenient for the visitors and avoid hazard of transportation and parking problems. Present everything with links and pictures attached in the website.


  1. Next are the requirements for speakers. There should be a page where bios of speakers should be present while they will be delivering speech in the conference. Links should be there to help build a connection network with them. The relationship between a speaker and the conference plays a vital role. It’s a speaker’s responsibility to deliver more through their speaking to the attendees that will either answer to all their questions or avoid a question mark after the speech. They should be given a list of possible questions. Social media these days have very much helped speakers in reaching their attendees. Speakers should be active in various blogs and social Medias. They should portray interest to their visitors. Your website should have all these contents.


  1. Define the structure of the website that will help attendees to find the material they are looking for. Try to find out what questions and problems your visitor may face and include them thoroughly in your website. You may provide a chart to help your attendees to have a sound knowledge about the conference by mentioning the list of all speakers, delegates and various stuffs that will take place along the journey. Provide specific information and guidelines about submission of registration forms, deadlines and the detailed process. Your website should have page for bookings of the visitors and contact information for further queries.


  1. Last question that arises is the things that need to happen at the conference location. In order to perform the advertised conference meeting perform smoothly. You need to select a spacious venue. The location should have a banner to make it easily visible to its participants. There should be enough space for the participants to interact and socialise nicely. There should be entry and exit space to avoid chaos of the visitors. Microphones and all technical matters should be rechecked to avoid any embarrassing disturbing situation. There should be volunteers to help visitors, if they require any info. Lastly arrangements of food and snacks should be made for refreshment.


Thus in order to make your conference a successful one you need to ask yourself all these question for better performance and make a path open for future conference planning. A special area of question should be asked and made for sharing visitors’ experience and what else they were looking for in the conference that will be of great help for future events.

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